Just a fun, easy way to share my recipes with friends and family. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Glazed Pork Chops

One of the things I really want to get across with this blog, is that cooking a good meal can be fairly simple and quick. Like most people, my weeknights are crazy. It seems like there is such a small window from the time everyone gets home to the time we have to go to bed, even when there's not a ball practice or church to go to. 

In the past, weeknight dinners were either boxed mac-n-cheese and frozen chicken nuggets or fast food. But I've grown a little(just a little) more health and money conscious and have been determined to make good meals a little more often (not that I don't resort back to the old ways every once in a while).

Pork chops are one of my favorite meats to cook up quick. There are a number of ways to prepare them and the ideas for sides are endless, although I usually just do a couple of roasted veggies.

With these glazed chops, I decided to do oven fries and roasted asparagus.  I got the fries going first since they take the longest, then prepared the asparagus to be ready to go in with the chops, then started on the chops.  It took a little juggling and when the chops were done we had to wait a little while for the asparagus to finish, but from start to finish the whole meal took less than an hour.

Oh, and these chops; they're ridiculously easy. Here's the recipe...

4-6 thick cut pork chops
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup of your favorite bbq rub 
2 tablespoons olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Heat olive oil in large skillet (preferably oven proof) over med-high heat.  Meanwhile, mix brown sugar and rub together in a small bowl.  Rub mixture all over each chop, top and bottom.  When oil is good and hot, place the chops in the pan.  Cook for 5 minutes on each side.  Then place in hot oven for 5 more minutes.
If you don't have an oven proof skillet, you can just transfer the meat and drippings to a baking dish for this last step. 

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