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Monday, February 14, 2011

Not a Food Post...

     I was having a conversation with my sister yesterday.  We were talking about Valentines day, and how we both were having to go really cheap this year, since money is a little tight.  At first she said, "We're poor."  But, then she back tracked and said, "Actually, we are rich.  I shouldn't say we are poor. We are very blessed. I don't need diamond earrings to know Sean loves me everyday!"

     This sparked a conversation with my husband.  I told him what Misty said, and he said, "Sean and I are lucky, to have wives that are cool about us not doing anything major on Valentine's day."  I thought to myself, 'We probably don't crave those things as much, because they do show us everyday.'  I wonder, if our husbands didn't love us like they do, and show us on a regular basis, would we be more upset that we weren't going all out on Valentine's day.

     I guess it's all about perspective.  This last week Veronica King has really been on my heart.  I have never met her, but I know that Veronica lost her husband a few months ago and was left with two very young children and pregnant with the third.  She had her baby this week, without her husband, whom she loved very much, by her side.  I just can't get her out of my heart and mind, and it has made me hold on to my man a little tighter.

     I am like Misty, I feel so rich, even though a lot of people would consider us 'poor'.  I have a husband who loves me and takes care of our family so well, three amazing boys, who make me laugh everyday, and wonderful friends and family who bless us tremendously.  Most importantly, a God who promises us way more than the material things this world has to offer.  

     So, my prayer for you, is to be able to see the areas in your life where you are "rich".  I don't mean how much money you have, but how many blessings you have.  Hopefully, no matter how rough life is treating you, you are able to recognize some good things that you do have.

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right!! Thanks for posting this...I am truly blessed as well, and have never been so happy in all my married life as I am now. I love you tons!!
